Let's keep in mind that the churches in Ghent and Chatham are involved in a "consolidation," which is two churches joining, rather than a "merger" which indicates one church is taking over another.
The vote for a new name is this Sunday, the June 21st after church (unless the date has been changed since I have been out of commission for a couple of weeks. If so, please e-mail me immediately and I will correct this posting.) I believe absentee ballots are being considered for those who cannot make it to the service so spread the word.
Here are the suggested names (as always please e-mail me with any omissions or spelling corrections):
Christ Our King Emmanuel Lutheran Church
New Hope Lutheran Church
Unity Lutheran Church
United in Christ Lutheran Church
New Missions Lutheran Church
Abiding Love Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church
Abiding Word Lutheran Church
Abiding Faith Lutheran Church
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
The Lord's Lutheran Church
Christ Our Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Risen Christ Lutheran Church
The Third Evangelical Lutheran Church (see previous posting from Pastor re: "Evangelical"
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church (same note on line above)
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (There's one in Loudonville.)
New Creation Lutheran Church
Note on using "Evangelical" in the name:
Pastor mentioned in church before he left for Norway (Hi Pastor Bob! Hi Beverly!) that Luther did not want the name of his church to be eponymous (I think this is the correct use of this word. Martin Luther did not want his name used in the naming of the church.) Anyhoo . . . if you care to hear more about Pastor's musings on using "Evangelical," see his previous posting.
Pastor suggested we choose a name that reflects
what we are about and that we pray,
"Gracious Spirit, Guide the naming of our new community of worshipers."I am so sorry to have missed "The Last Supper" at Christ Church last week but, God willing, I will see you this Sunday - with Joe on the drums thanks to Richard!
Have a good end of the week.