Aren't we lucky we have another year of worshipping together ahead - and many more!
Here are some things to look forward to:
Sunday, April 25, 2010:
Celebration of consolidation of Christ Lutheran and Emmanuel Lutheran churches and formal installation of Pastor Bob Isaksen. (Talk about a cause for celebration!) Reception is to follow. Hopefully, Bishop Jerge will join in the fun.
January 24, 2010, after Service.
Voting: Council Members---7 (3 for one year, 4 for 2 years)
Treasurer---one for 2 years
The nominations for Council and Treasurer by the congregation are being confirmed for service. A slate will be discussed at the January Council meeting for presentation at the annual meeting. Nominees: Gary, Patty, Marcia, Doug, Linda, Mac, Ken, Hank, Tara, Debby, Richard, Bob, Linda O., Christa
Nominations will also be possible at the time of the annual meeting.
New Council members will be installed the next Sunday, on January 31st.
Next Interim Council meeting: January 7, 2010, 7:00 PM
Epiphany will be celebrated on
January 3rd in the Sanctuary. The following
Sunday, January 10th, the congregation will begin to meet in the basement for the winter months.