Pastor will be home next Sunday. I think that is what Rev. Preisinger said in church yesterday. Correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks to Sharon Smith, our efficient Cluster Secretary, for e-mailing me the weekly bulletin so I can pull info out to post here.
AUGUST 16 - 11am worship at the Cluster Picnic at Crellin Park in Chatham. Please bring a dish or dessert to share, lawn chairs and any group games that all might enjoy. The cluster will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. The Emanuel/St. John's Parish will be supplying a few card tables for those who cannot sit at the regular picnic benches.
August 23rd & 30th - We will have informal Q&A sessions after the service to review the new constitution for Christ Our Emmanuel Lutheran Church.
September 13 - Both congregations will vote for consolidation approval.
The votes that we have already taken this year have been about the decision to consider consolidating and what our name would be if we did. Now (on Sept. 13) we need to make it final - and legal! Thanks to Liz for the correction.
Have a good week!