Congregation Meetings
Section 1. The president of the Congregation Council shall preside at congregation meetings. In the absence of the president the vice-president shall preside. In the absence of the president and vice-present the following order of responsibility shall be: secretary, financial secretary, chairperson of the worship & music committee.
Section 2. The annual meeting shall be held on or about the 15th of January and include a comprehensive report to the congregation by all committees and the treasurer with the general order of business as follows:
A. Scripture reading and/or prayer
B. Attendance taken by the secretary
C. Reading of minutes from previous meeting
D. Report by pastor on the state of the congregation
E. Reports from committees and church sponsored groups
F. Old business
G. Treasurer report to include:
Financial reports of the previous year
Audit Committee report
H. New business:
Election of council members
Election of treasurer
Election of nominating committee
Annual Budget discussions and approval
I. Adjournment
Section 3. The congregation shall appoint volunteer voting members as delegates in permitted� numbers to the conventions of the Synod and to the meetings of the conference to which this congregation belongs. The expenses incurred by such delegates in connection with their attendance shall be paid by this congregation.
Section 4. Voting: Only Members in Good Standing will be eligible to vote on issues brought before the congregation for decision annually and from time to time. A Member in Good Standing shall be baptized and confirmed, a regular contributor to the church treasury at least within the six months previous to a vote, and a regular participant in Holy Communion at least within the six month previous to a vote. Exceptions to this rule shall be decided on a case by case basis by the Congregation Council.
Section 5. Additions or changes to the Constitution and Bylaws shall require due notice, and a majority vote of the congregation.
The Congregation Council
Section 1. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the members of the Congregation Council.
Section 2. Congregation Council meetings shall normally be held monthly on a fixed day and time, as mutually agreed by the Council members. Dates and time of Council meetings shall be posted in the narthex. Special meetings may be called with due notice by the pastor, Council president, or at the request of at least three (3) congregation members
Section 3. The Congregational Council shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary, and appoint a financial secretary at the congregation annual meeting, or as soon thereafter as practical.
Section 4. All officers shall be voting members of the congregation. The Congregation Council may at times need to declare an office vacant and shall make an appointment for the unexpired term.
Section 5. The president shall preside at all congregation meetings and all meetings of the Congregation Council. The president shall be a member ex-officio of all church committees.
Section 6. The vice-president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president and work in cooperation to assist with the requests of the president.
Section 7. The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the congregation and the Congregation Council in a volume provided by the congregation. This volume shall be preserved permanently in the church archives.
Additional responsibilities include:
· a prompt attention to all correspondence and written inquiries
· posting the written Council minutes each month in the church narthex
· liaison contact with the Secretary of the Lutheran Cluster for input to
· weekly bulletins, monthly newsletters, and cluster events
· management of voting procedures at the annual meeting
· acceptance of votes by personally written absentee ballots with reason by members in good standing at least one day before a scheduled and duly announced congregation vote
· caretaker, preserver, recorder and organizer of the church records: current and former membership lists, marriages, baptisms, funerals, minutes of the Congregation Council, as well as active committees, accounting ledgers, legal documents, and correspondence
Section 8. The financial secretary shall receive and keep a record of all income from contributing members. The financial secretary shall have the following responsibilities:
· to provide numbered offering envelopes to church members
· to appoint and schedule weekly counters of church plate offerings, with the responsibility:
1. to list all cash and/or designated donations;
2. to assure a timely transfer of funds for deposit
3. to maintain an up-to-date ledger on church income to include:
a. a record of offerings by envelope number
b. listing all other cash and designated donations
4. to distribute individual giving statements to contributors annually before April 1st.
5. to participate in annual Fall budget preparation as needed
6. to consult with the treasurer as needed
7. to cooperate fully with the inquiries of the annual audit
Section 9. The treasurer shall keep the accounting books of the congregation to include:
· recording and receiving funds for deposit from the financial secretary
· disbursing funds in a timely manner for payment of bills or as needs arise, as directed by the Congregation Council
· maintaining a checking account in the name of the church for check
· disbursements or withdrawal of funds with the requirement of the signature of the treasurer and/or the president of the Council
· managing, recording and recommending status changes in church investments
· overseeing Synod benevolence contributions and remittance
· directing and taking responsibility for the annual Fall budget preparation in consultation with the finance committee
· giving full cooperation to the inquiries of the annual audit
Section 10. The treasurer shall:
· submit a monthly written report of all financial transactions to the Congregation Council
· provide a written financial summary report to the congregation at the annual meeting.
Section 11. All Council meetings shall be open to the general membership, but only duly elected Council members may vote on suggested issues. The normal order of business shall include a scripture opening, minutes of the previous meeting, a treasurer’s report, a pastor’s report, committee reports, old business, new business, adjournment.
Standing Committees
Section 1. The Congregation Council shall appoint standing and temporary committees to address the concerns of the congregation at the first meeting after the annual congregation meeting. Each committee shall be chaired by a Council member and directed by a volunteer member of the congregation. These committees shall be recognized as representative of the interest of the congregation as a whole, and perform essential services on the basis of the responsibility vested in them by the Congregation Council. The duties of all committees, including instructions to serve in the best interest of the congregation, shall be assigned by the Congregation Council.
· All actions of committees shall be subject to review by the Council.
· The pastor shall have a voice on all committees.
Section 2. There shall be a Christian Education Committee.
A Sunday School Superintendent in consultation with the pastor and other committee members shall determine the content, conduct and promotion of all educational services of the church. An important focus of this committee is to implement programs which direct children, youth and adults to the teachings of the Bible and the good news of the Gospel.
Section 3. There shall be a Church Property Committee.
This committee shall take responsibility for proper maintenance, repair, protection and safety, as well as assessments for adequate insurance for all property of the congregation.
Section 4. There shall be a Worship and Music Committee.
This committee shall consult with the pastor and assure that the services of God’s House are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Additional duties include:
· scheduling ushers, acolytes, and communion assistants
· providing hymnals, devotional materials and weekly bulletins
· assessing needs and providing for the upkeep of service materials and equipment
· promoting the organization of a choir for special occasions
· consulting with the organist and pastor to provide liturgical music and hymns appropriate to each church season
Section 5. There shall be an Altar Committee.
The care of paraments, vestments, altar equipment, and communion needs shall be the responsibility of this committee. This committee shall also provide for decoration and orderliness of the church as needed, and weekly and/or seasonal altar flowers as desired.
Section 6. The Audit Committee shall make inquiries in order to make recommendation to the Congregation Council and, upon approval, secure the services of a certified account to annually audit the accounting books of the congregation. The committee shall present this report at the annual meeting.
Section 7. The Nominating Committee shall meet annually to interview and designate candidates for the Congregation Council and the Nominating Committee. A slate of candidates shall be read by the Nominating Committee at the annual meeting. Nominations from the congregation may also be made.
Voting shall be by secret ballot unless candidates are unopposed. If there are no further nominations a motion shall be requested and, if accepted, the secretary will cast one ballot for the slate as presented.
Section 8. There shall be a Finance Committee.
The treasurer, the audit committee, and the financial secretary, are the responsible members of this committee. The committee, with approval of the Council, shall exercise oversight of all financial affairs of the congregation to ascertain they are conducted efficiently and honestly.
Duties include:
· preparation of an annual financial report for the congregation
· presentation of monthly financial activities to the Council
· drafting an annual budget for decision at the annual meeting
· attention to benevolence contributions to the Synod
· supervision of incoming and outgoing funds of all committees
· transparency in all business and financial decisions
· recommendations for stewardship programs as needed
· consultation on adequate accounting practices for the annual audit
Section 9. There shall be a Social Ministry Committee.
The purpose of this committee shall be to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to the ill, the aged, the orphaned, the underprivileged, the spiritually and physically hungry, and to community needs.
Duties shall include:
· visitation of church members and others in times of need or if housebound or in rehabilitation centers
· cooperation with other churches and social institutions to assist in community outreach
· establishment of a program of congratulations and support for special occasions, and successes, such as birthdays, rites of passage, personal- educational-, or sport- accolades
· participation in the local Lutheran Cluster program which promotes short conferences on current health; social, emotional and physical needs
Section 10. There shall be a Fellowship Committee.
This committee shall strive to establish events as needed to strengthen the fellowship among congregation members spiritually and socially.
Duties shall include:
· integration of new members in the congregation traditions
· promotion of mutual trust and cooperation among members
· problem solving and networking
· enjoyment through special activities and learning experiences
· frequent scheduling of Kaffeeklatsches and opportunities to share meals, recipes and food together
· cooperation with fellowship gatherings of the wider Cluster