The Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, January 24, 2010 after a shorter Service, with coffee available.
Church Service commences in the basement of the church on Sunday, January 10th and continues through March. "Coffeeklatsch" will be after Service from now on.
Election of nine members to the Congregational Council and a Treasurer at the Annual Meeting.
The proposed slate:
1-year term: Ken Wilber, Christa Lordi, Patty Bervy
2 -year term: Gary Wheeler, Marcia Sarro, Linda Stalker, Richard MacDonald, Linda O'Neal
2-year term for treasurer: Patty Bervy
1-year term: a youth from the congregation (as mandated by the new
decisions of the Synod, along with the directive for a young adult
Richard Tuchsmith will ask if his son would be willing to serve on
the council as youth representative.
There can be nominations from the floor as well.
Let's all give Doug Stalker, our professional resident photographer, a round of applause for the wonderful job he has done! He is stepping down as committee chairman and has placed a box of pertinent property papers at the disposal of the new Church Council. He has compiled a list of emergency numbers for heating and plumbing, furnace, electric etc.
The new church sign has been approved by the Town of Chatham. Final
design details need to be submitted. The Council would like to ask
Mac (in absentia) to follow-up on this and have the sign installed as
soon as possible.
The proposed handicap lift information needs to be brought before the
congregation with an explanation of design, location, function,
reconstruction, cost, and necessary permits. The "Easy Lift" company
of Albany has given an estimate.
Sunday, January 25th is being considered for the receiving of new
members into the congregation, particularly Bob and Beverly Isaksen,
and Linda O'Neal.
This is the charter year of this congregation and all members
will be new members at the April 25th Consolidation Celebration.