FEBRUARY 9, 2010
In attendance: Marcia Sarro, Ken Wilber, Patty Bervy, Pastor Robert
Isaksen, Gary Wheeler, Christa Lordi, Linda O'neil
Absent: Mac MacDonald, Youth Member
Pastor led the "Charter Council" into its deliberations with
historical perspectives as comparisons for encouragements in the near
future, with analogies to the "Transfiguration of Our Lord".
The minutes from the Annual Meeting from January 24, 2010 were
distributed to Council Members.
The minutes from the interim Congregation Council from January 7th,
2010, were reviewed and discussed:
--election of congregational council
--church property---furnace cleaning/service--two completed @
$168.00, parsonage pending; Patty Bervy to obtain additional estimate
on new furnace
--new church sign--pending at meeting time but installed during the
week of Feb. 9th
--information about the handicap lift is pending
--merging of finances is proceeding
--Linda Stalker has agreed to manage the "Improvement Fund" with the
inclusion of donations for the special "window" and " handicap-lift"
--estimate for replacement of plastic protective window panels
temporarily set-aside
--new members were received on January 25th
--April 25, 2010 will be Consolidation Celebration and official
installation of Pastor Isaksen
--Pastoral letter on the church logo (by Doug Stalker) letterhead is
to be mailed this month
--Constitution changes have been made; Christa will submit with
required information to "Upstate New York Synod"
--Pastor's cell phone: 646-530-0790; email:
Patty Bervy reviewed the budget for 2010 with correction.
The January Treasurer's Report before financial consolidation:
Deposits: $3,654 Disbursements: $2,031.24
The flat payment of $3000.00 for Mission Support to the ELCA will be
distributed over 12 months.
The unpaid increase in the Cluster Secretary costs will show in the
next financial statement. Current cost about $175./month
Treasurer's Report accepted.
The Sunday School will meet in the upstairs rooms of the parsonage
Sundays at 11:00 AM, weekly. There is a coffee hour available after
church. Parents of Sunday School children, parishioners, and guests
are welcome to stay and enjoy fellowship. Linda O'Neil will notify
the newspapers of the correct times.
There has been activity to rearrange the Sanctuary as well as the
winter worship space in the basement. Several rows of pews were
removed to allow for space for the Children's table at the rear of
the sanctuary during worship. The children's carpet from the former
Christ Church is to be used under the children's table. The main
altar has been placed a floor level. There is now seating for
110-115 people in the sanctuary. A suggestion for two rocking chairs
in the children's area for moms and/or child comfort needs came from
Pastor's experiences. An opaque or semi-visual screen could be
considered as needs arise. Pews were placed for worship in the
basement parallel with the side windows and altar arrangement,
creating a more devotional environment.
Members should contemplate the new arrangements and consider what
floor covering for the sanctuary would be most useful and durable.
Suggestions for plain wood floors after removal of the old carpeting,
and/or new carpeting, or area runners were made. Ideas and fact-
finding to be considered at the next Council meeting.
Ken will contact the company which is restoring the Resurrection
Angel Window from the former Christ Church to proceed with
installation in the Chatham church. A suggestion is made to sell the
current round "Bible" window on Ebay, and to list it on the blog site
with Deb Ulmer's assistance.
--- motion by Patty made with consensus on these two issues
Patty Bervy and Ken Wilber will establish a single checking account
consolidating monies from both churches, with the required security
A motion by Ken that the balance of the estimate for the installation
of the window be transferred to the "Improvement Fund"---Council
An EIN (Employer Identification Number) is still needed for Pastor's
benefits and Board of Pension documents.
A discussion ensued concerning the investment of larger amounts of
money in the "Mission Investment Fund" (MIF) of the ELCA, or in a
Certificate of Deposit, or other money market fund. The church can
borrow from the MIF for improvements and earn interest on the
investment. Comparison of interest rates needs to be made.
Pastor has received a fee for services rendered and is making a
donation of $62.50 to the "Lift" fund and $62.50 to the "Haiti"
relief fund of the Lutheran Church.
Hand addressed envelopes are ready for the mailing of the Pastoral
letter which is being prepared by the cluster secretary. A check of
the sanctuary guest book could clarify some addresses.
There will be a Service on Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Pastor
will prepare the special bulletin which will include communion and
imposition of ashes.
Marcia will pick up bulletins. Due to lack of space in the winter
worship basement a "soup and sandwich" session will not be possible
this year.
Pastor is pleased to have a comprehensive list of music for the
accompanying machine. Perhaps speakers could be added in the
basement for better sound.
The officers of the Congregation Council are elected as follows:
President: Marcia Sarro
Vice President: Ken Wilber
Secretary: Christa Lordi
The treasurer elected by the Congregation on January 24, 2010:
Patty Bervy
Appointments made by the Congregation Council for 2010:
Financial Secretary: Candice Tubbs
Improvement Fund Deputy Treasurer: Linda Stalker
Property Management: Richard MacDonald
Worship and Music: Richard Tucksmith
Christian Education: Linda O'Neil
Sunday School Superintendent: Richard Tucksmith
A motion by Ken with Council consensus that there be a requirement
for a second signature--that of the treasurer-- for disbursements
from the "Improvement Fund"
Patty Bervy requests permission to order a church address stamp for
mail and payments. Motion by Gary to purchase---council approved
Stationery and envelopes are available through the cluster secretary.
Patty Bervy presented the annual request from the ELCA for audit/
financial information (Patty to complete), sunday school information
(Richard Tuchsmith to complete), and congregation statistics (Marcia
to complete).
A new directory of congregation members would be an asset for the
charter membership. The Council would like to request Doug Stalker's
help with pictures of members as this becomes better established, and
Deb Ulmer's help with a possible computer printing of an address/
picture booklet.
The installation of the Congregation Officers will be on February 14,
Pastor reported on the health difficulties encountered recently by
Carol and Hank Bartel. Carol is hospitalized with need of surgery
for heart valve malfunction and Hank has had an accident which
resulted in a broken shoulder. Their families are assisting, but
church members are asked for prayers and support as much as possible.
The Congregation Council made the following responsibility appointments:
Deb Ulmer----Web site manager
Outgoing members of the church council----Nominating Committee
Ken Wilber----Annual Audit Supervisor with the Finance Committee
Marcia Sarro---Altar Committee Chairperson, Social Ministries Committee
Claire Wheeler----Ceremony recorder
Patty Bervy---Fellowship Committee
_____________----Cluster representative
Kirsten Bervy, acting Youth Member on the Congregation Council, will
post committees for volunteers from the congregation.
Pastor announced a church conference which meets monthly called
"Lutheran Ministerium" to be held at the Coburg Village Lutheran
Nursing Home in Athens/Catskills.
The meeting completed and adjourned with "The Lord's Prayer".