Thursday, May 6, 2010

Council Meeting - May 4, 2010

  • Cluster picnic planning meeting is June 15th in Hudson for the August 15th picnic at Crellin Park.

  • The dedication of the new rocking chair will be Sunday, May 9th. Russ A. has added a plaque to the chair.

  • The consolidation service, first communion, and reception were well received; attendance: approximately 90 persons. Three former ministers attended: Peter Klotz, John Califano, Roger Beiswenger. Serena Mollenkopf-Grill sent a written message and David Roppel sent regrets. Bishop Marie Jerge officiated. Pastor Robert Isaksen was installed as pastor of CoE. Pastor Slater of St. Luke's in Valatie and Cluster coordinator attended, as did David Preisinger, representative and counselor from the Synod offices.

  • Pastor provided more information on the handicap access lift. Its suggested placement on the inside of the last stained glass window on the right wall at the rear of the church would require a shortened pew and some adjustments in the basement. A quiet motor on the lift will evidently keep disruption to a minimum during the service.

  • Assistance was requested of the Pastor with the performance of the ushers group, particularly during communion. Those willing to participate will have a rehearsal after church service as soon as possible.

  • Organist Amy, who played at the consolidation service, has suggested a young man as organist to the congregation. The average rate of pay for Sunday Service is $100.00! Quick! Someone learn to play!

  • The coffee hour provided after the church service by the social ministry group--Beverly & Gary ---has been successful. A particular thanks goes to Shelly C for the delicious cakes and cookies from Bella Napoli in Albany. Yum! Yum!

  • The food pantry is in constant need of donations, and that a member of the church recently came and asked what the needs were, then promptly purchased and delivered to the pantry.

  • The dedication of the "Resurrection Window" will be included in the service on May 23rd, Pentecost Sunday.

  • Any news from church members, dates of events, and prayer list inclusions should be submitted to the cluster secretary, Sharon.

  • There will be sign up list and welcome pad available at church service to gather the information for the directory: name, address, telephone, email.

  • Doug is continuing with pictures. There will be an alphabetical listing of members and a picture section.

  • Marcia will follow up with the request of the Stalkers for a date in July for the annual yard sale.

  • Pastor is requesting one woman and one man delegate from CoE to attend the "Synod Assembly" with him on Monday, June 7, 2010. Christ our Emmanuel will be recognized as a new congregation at the assembly in the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.

  • Pastor will be attending Camp Kalumet from August 22-29, 2010.