Council Meeting-June 1, 2010
- The annual church yard sale will be held July 8th, 9th, & 10th at the Stalkers.
Wed. July 7th in the evening---pick up of items from the church and transported to the Stalkers yard----trucks and strong arms needed.
- Marcia and Bruce will represent the church at the Annual Synod Assembly in Rochester.
- What a beautiful job Bruce and Alex have painted the church doors for a sparkling red welcome.
- The coffee hour at the back of the sanctuary after service has been successful with thanks for the extra efforts by committee members.
- Total job estimate for the lift is $25,000.00-$30,000.00. Donations welcome!
- The list for addresses, telephone and emails is available in the sanctuary for the directory information of members and friends. Doug has provided a list on the bulletin board of those who have had their picture taken for the picture directory.