Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pastor Serena and Family

Pastor Serena and Family will be visiting the church on Sunday, Nov. 28. She and her family are looking forward to seeing everyone.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Council Meeting-Nov. 2010

  • The Henrik Hudson Male Chorus and the Chatham High School Choir will perform at CoE on Friday, December 10, 2010 at 7:30 P.M.
    Refreshments will follow the performance. Tickets will be $5.00 for individuals and $10.00 for families. Kristen announced that our church sign appeared on "Face Book!"
  • A date for a Christmas pageant has been suggested: December 19, 2010. A congregation Lunch is suggested.
  • Services will return to the basement in January to save on heat expenses in the Sanctuary.
  • Kirsten will hold a re-training session for acolytes on Saturday,December 4, 2010, at 10:00 A.M. Etiquette at the front of the church and during service will be reviewed.All present acolytes and anyone else interested in participating are encouraged to attend.
  • There is a sign-up sheet attached to the cabinet at the back of the church for those who would like to share in providing the "Children's Sermon" during the service.
  • Donations for the luncheon following the funeral for Herman were numerous and the fellowship and memories in good keeping. Donations from the Witthoft bereavement will be applied to the "Lift" fund.
  • There is a sign-up sheet on the front of the cabinet at the back of the church for "Sunday Morning Coffee-hour" host/hostessing.
  • Mac, Bruce, and Marcia have cleaned and organized the smaller apartment in the parsonage for office-space rental. Asking monthlyrent is $400.00 plus electric. Thanks for your constant and consistent good work, M, M & B!
  • Mac has met with representatives from Main Care and Suburban Propane about the condition of the four furnaces in the church and parsonage. Basic safety and replacement repairs are needed. The oldest furnace which heats the sanctuary cannot be serviced; parts are not available. It also produces extreme enough heat to melt insulation on pipes and should be replaced. It is suggested that the smaller furnace be re-ducted into the sanctuary as well and the older one be dismantled, because a new unit estimates at $10,ooo. The cost of the basic repairs will be: $1150.75 The annual maintenance service contract for three furnaces will be $808.33. A commercial rate for oil on a budget plan is offered.
  • The new lift is being manufactured and should be available for installation by the beginning end of November.
  • The Marion Stegman fund donation of $100.00 was made. It is suggested that a donation jar be placed at the back of the church to continue support of this local charity.
  • It seems that an agreement for sharing cluster ministry with St. Luke's and other northern Columbia County congregations was not implemented last year. We will need to vote at our annual meeting.
  • Our share of secretarial costs this year have not covered all expenses. Therefore, our costs will increase in January from $175.00/month to $377.50/month, or $4,529.00 annually. This includes secretary salary, benefits, paper, newsletter, copier, and "Sunday & Seasons" bulletins.
  • It is suggested that the Cluster Newsletter be available quarterly and that individual congregations undertake to distribute paper copies as needed to elderly persons and those without internet access. With this in mind members can "adopt" a shut-in or elderly member by sending or bringing the weekly bulletin to them: Please submit additional names by placing note in the offering plate.
  • The church directory is in progress. A nearly complete list of names and addresses is available. Doug has three scheduled photo opportunities: Nov. 30th at church, 4:00-7:00 P.M., Dec. 7th at church, 4:00-7:00P.M., Dec. 14th at his home studio, 4:00-7:00 P.M. Pictures can be ordered directly from him according to three packages as listed on our web page. There is no fee for the photo sittings. Retakes are welcome. Pictures can be available in time for Christmas. Samples of Doug's beautiful photos may be found at:

  • Pastor continues his offer of training for visitation with the Eucharist. No one has been able to take advantage of it yet.
  • Claire devotedly continues keeping up with registering church occasions and documents.

The next Congregation Council meeting will be on DECEMBER 7, 2010, 7:00 P.M.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Photo Packages

Doug has done such a beautiful job of taking photos of everyone for our directory.

If you would like to purchase a photo package, please contact him directly.

The packages are priced as follows:

(No cost for the photo shoot.)

Package 1---Family---
(2) 8x10; (2) 5x7; (40) wallet size===$110.00

Package 2---Two Poses---
(2) 8x10; (2) 5x7; (16) wallet size===$80.00

Package 3---One Pose---
(2) 8X10; (1) 5x7; (8) wallet size====$45.00

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bishop Marie Jerge speaks

CLICK HERE to see a youtube video of Bishop Marie's review of the Conference of Bishops.

Each October the Conference of Bishops gathers for worship and prayer, mutual support and discussion about the life of the church. In the past Bishop Jerge has provided written descriptions of these gatherings. This month we’re trying something new. Instead of writing an article Bishop Jerge is sharing her experience through video.

Please take a moment to view this video and listen to Bishop Jerge as she describes what happens when the conference of bishops gather, the significant discussions at October’s meeting and how we in the Upstate New York are walking with the ELCA at this time. Share it with others in your community and please provide us with some feedback as we learn how to best take advantage of media that is still new to us. Comments can be sent to Neal Fischer . We hope that videos like this one will help us reach a broader audience as we continue to tell the story of how we are living our mission to be resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives.

CLICK HERE to see the video.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Herman Witthoft

It is with sadness that Doris tells us that on 10/31/10 Herman passed away.

Herman, Doris and the entire Witthoft family have been an intregal part of our church for many years and we send them our love and deepest condolences.

The funeral will be at 2pm on Saturday at Christ our Emmanuel in Chatham.
Calling hours are Friday evening 6-8pm at Wenk's Funeral Home.

Patty B. is looking for volunteers to help out that day to set up and clean up after the reception after the funeral and for donations of salads, casseroles, desserts, & beverages. You can e-mail her at