CLICK HERE to see a youtube video of Bishop Marie's review of the Conference of Bishops.
Each October the Conference of Bishops gathers for worship and prayer, mutual support and discussion about the life of the church. In the past Bishop Jerge has provided written descriptions of these gatherings. This month we’re trying something new. Instead of writing an article Bishop Jerge is sharing her experience through video.
Please take a moment to view this video and listen to Bishop Jerge as she describes what happens when the conference of bishops gather, the significant discussions at October’s meeting and how we in the Upstate New York are walking with the ELCA at this time. Share it with others in your community and please provide us with some feedback as we learn how to best take advantage of media that is still new to us. Comments can be sent to Neal Fischer . We hope that videos like this one will help us reach a broader audience as we continue to tell the story of how we are living our mission to be resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives.
CLICK HERE to see the video.