Council Highlights
- Christ our Emmanuel had our December Council meeting yesterday. We are required to obtain congregation authority to contract for the heating work:
The Congregation Council has discussed estimates for an essential "Service Contract" for the heating systems at the church. The furnaces in the main church are old and parts are no longer available for the original one. Service providers are also unwilling to offer any repair contract for this furnace. The second furnace alone is also older, inefficient and inadequate for the church. There are also come safety and repair requirements. After extended consideration it is recommended that a propane system conversion with a high efficiency boiler be undertaken. A cost outlay and approval of at least $10,000 needs to be considered by the congregation within the next several weeks. - LAST CALL: Doug Stalker (Tel: 392-5690) will be available one more time at his home studio: 170 Hudson Ave.,Chatham on Tuesday, December 14, 2010, 4:00-7:00 P.M. Please come and let him make you look vibrant and younger for the church directory and family gift photos.
- JOY (and a little bit of effort) in giving and offering your own special experience-sharing::::::::::::::::Sign up for one Sunday for the "CHILDREN'S MESSAGE" and one Sunday for "SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE HOUR". /////////Many Hands
Make Light Work////// - Christmas concert ticket income will be distributed in three parts: (1) The Ghent Food Pantry (2) The Chatham Food Pantry (3) The High School Chorus and the Hendrik Hudson Male Chorus. Additional donations may be placed in a labeled envelope in the offering plate.
- Sunday, December 19, 2010---CHRISTMAS PAGEANT under the direction of Richard Tucksmith. Congregation Luncheon to follow. Please bring to share: a side dish to compliment a spiral ham main meal a dessert or holiday cookies
- December 26, 2010----A Special Sunday to close out the season of Advent with the focus on the singing of treasured, traditional carols to organ music by Helen