Saturday, June 11, 2011

2011 Upstate New York Synod Assembly

Upstate New York Synod - Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
Service, business, and worship blended as never before when 446 Resurrection People gathered in Rochester for the 2011 Upstate New York Synod Assembly. A large baptismal font and cross welcomed them to the space used for both worship and business. Another 493 visited via the Internet.
Doing justice “God is always sending us strangers to open our eyes to God’s grace and compassion.” Keynote speaker Peter Vogelaar, Executive Director of the Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees in Utica, New York urged and challenged the assembly to take a risk by offering hospitality to and accepting hospitality from those who are different from us, right in our own communities.
He brought with him two women, originally from Burma, who demonstrated their mastery of backstrap weaving at the Mission Faire.
Inspiring devotions were offered by people from different conferences engaged in a variety of servant ministries. We heard about an “Iron Chef” competition for ELCA World Hunger at St. John/St. Mark, Canajoharie; a community prayer service after a mass shooting at Redeemer, Binghamton; advocacy on behalf of children by Cherish Our Children; ministry with foster teens and elderly adults at Lutheran Social Services in Jamestown; health-related and neighborhood
outreach by Resurrection in the inner city of Buffalo; energy conservation measures at Redeemer, Scotia; and a new cooperation between Faith, Cicero and Vera House to combat domestic violence.
While many attended workshops and the Mission Faire, some voting members opted for servant
events in the community. One group went to Foodlink, a food distribution center in downtown
Rochester, to label and pack food for various community programs. Another group went to
RAIHN (The Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network) to paint, clean, and wash the bus used to transport homeless families working towards sustainable fi nancial independence.
Where there’s a well, there’s a way - Congregation members brought offerings of $47,229!!! (including a gift from Thrivent) to build wells and provide clean water through Lutheran World Relief.
Empowered to Serve Assembly Wrap Up - June 5, 6 & 7, 2011
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” Micah 6:8
Keynote Sp eaker - Peter Vogelaar

Assembly Actions
Adopted the 2012 Mission Proposal and a resolution urging congregations to increase giving for world hunger.
Sent two memorials to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly to confront bullying and to decrease cuts to campus ministry.
Assembly attendees do service at Foodlink 110 Hinsdale Road, Camillus, NY 13031 (315) 446-2502
Loving kindness The Rev. Terry Walsh, the ELCA chaplain stationed at Fort Drum, NY, received 2,541 “prayer squares” to be distributed to soldiers. Walsh explained that as soldiers board
planes bound for active duty in a combat zone, the last person to bid them farewell is the chaplain. That chaplain will be giving prayer squares to soldiers as signs that they are loved by God and prayed for by one of our resurrection people.
Ms. Marcia Brown received the Congregational Discipleship Award and former synodical vice-president Mr. David Truland received the Synodical Discipleship Award recognizing their outstanding contributions to the life of the church. The Rev. Charles Greene and the Rev. Norman Heid were honored for the fi ftieth anniversary of their ordinations.
Walking humbly with God The Rev. Daniel Rift, Director for ELCA World Hunger and Disaster Appeal, took up the theme of serving the stranger in time of need in his sermon at Monday
evening’s Eucharist. Bishop Marie Jerge presided and Vice-President Thomas Madden assisted. Written prayers swung from the processional cross and the Eucharist was served on ceramic tableware created by a fi rst communion class at Hope, Arcade. Two master carpenters
assembled an altar on the spot as part of the offering for the worship service.
Dr. Robert Lebel of King of Kings, Liverpool led two workshops and a public discussion on Genetics, Faith and Responsibility, the Proposed ELCA Social Statement. The statement will be considered at the Churchwide Assembly to be held this August. Find out more at
ELCA Military Chaplain Terry Walsh thanks assembly for prayer squares “Spokes-persons” from across the synod rode their bikes into the assembly hall launching the “Feed the Roots of Leadership” capital campaign. Despite a few crashes and mishaps along the way, their enthusiasm for the cause was contagious. They rode to support outdoor ministry, campus ministry, and seminaries—three key ministries where leaders are developed for the present and the future of the church. Friendship Lutheran Church in Amherst courageously chose to close their congregation and use the proceeds to make a $200,000 gift to the campaign.
Help feed the roots of leadership.
For more information visit today.
CONVO and Y’ALL shared their musical and other talents. Altar being built during service. New Synod Priority in 2011-2012 HEALTH AND WELLNESS We are committed to creating a healthy and vibrant synod, promoting healthy and missional congregations, and forming and supporting healthy leaders.
Resurrection people who pray fi rst, walk together and change lives