Resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives | | | Upstate Update | Septermber 21, 2011 | | | | |  | Watch the video |  | Feed The Roots of Leadership October is Feed the Roots of Leadership month. Three sample letters, a logo, a poster and three bulletin inserts (campus, outdoor and seminaries) are now available for use as congregations prepare to communicate this campaign to their members. We invite you to review the samples and use them as it seems appropriate, perhaps choosing from paragraphs here - or there - in planning a letter that suits your intentions for your congregation. We are confident that most every congregation should be able to find a way to participate that matches their congregation's commitment to feeding the roots of leadership for the future of our synod's ministries and the church. | | | | | | LDR Update - September 21 God of renewing love, sustain those who continue to suffer and rebuild in the aftermath of recent disasters. Bring hope in the midst of despair. Grant patience and endurance to those who bring aid and assistance. Amen Long Term Recovery - the words speak of work yet to be done, but also of hope for the future. Folks in local communities along with disaster response workers have begun to talk about long term recovery - the process of helping those affected by the wind and rains of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee to rebuild their lives and restore their property. The weeks, months, and years needed to rebuild call for many hands. Long Term Recovery committees will form in the more than 30 counties federally declared as disaster areas. Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is an organization that focuses on long term recovery for individuals. While not the first to respond we are known for being one of the last organizations to leave. Individual Lutherans and Lutheran congregations are all part of LDR - promoting hope, healing, and wholeness. You can help by: - Learning about what is needed by attending the Long Term Recovery When Rebuilding is Involved workshop, Oct. 29, Trinity Emmanuel Rochester.
- Volunteering as part of a Work Team. Register your team's availability, skills, contact information by email to response@nyvoad.org.
- Giving a financial donation to support LDR staff working locally in the long term recovery process and to meet individual unmet needs. Thrivent Financial will match our $15,000 raised by Nov. 1 with an additional $5,000. Send donations to: LDR, Upstate NY Hurricane/Flood Relief, c/o Lutheran Homes Foundation, 108 Utica Rd., Clinton, NY 13323 (Checks payable to "Lutheran Homes Foundation" - please note Upstate NY Hurricane/Flood Relief in the memo line).
Be a part of demonstrating Christ's compassion for all people. A number of pictures from the storm - flooding damage and the recovery efforts have been posted to our synod's Facebook page. If you have Facebook be sure to "like" us and check them out. | Mission Support Challenge Mailing On Its Way! A newly redesigned Mission Support Challenge packet is on its way to all congregational presidents by mail, and to pastors via e-mail. Thanks to the work of a dedicated team of pastors and lay persons, the Challenge packet thanks congregations for their ministry and mission over the past year and invites them to provide the following: - Input to the Synod Council as to what the congregation considers to be the most important ministries and functions of the synod as a whole;
- A "picture" of missional and other ministries that the congregation has been involved in over the past year as ministry "mission support" - its contribution to the missional ministry of the larger church;
- Time to engage in a Bible study through which decision-makers can discern to what degree God is calling them to financially support the ministry of the larger church;
- Prayerful consideration of an appropriate plan to incrementally increase mission support; and
- Return mailing of the Mission Support Challenge form containing the congregation's pledge for 2012.
Synod Council members will be accompanying congregations in this process through phone calls and/or visits in order to collect the input about synod priorities for ministry and stories about congregational ministry over the past year. These stories will be passed on to Mission Interpreters and the synod news outlets to be shared with others across the synod. Questions? Call your Dean | Mission Support - Where We Are While it looks like our income falls short of meeting our expenses, the reality is that our mission support is at 50.5% of the projected for the year. Our expenses are at 54.5% of the projected and we have already paid 100% of some expense budget line items. The bottom line is that we are on schedule. | $10,000 for Ministry With Young Adults! The Upstate New York Synod has been awarded a $10,000 grant for ministry with young adults on our territory. The grant comes from the Lilly endowment and the Eastern Cluster of Seminaries as a continuation of the work of Project Connect to aid young adults gifted for public ministry in vocational discernment. Our team of Key Leaders here in upstate, Pastors Joe McGarry, Shawn Hannon and Amber Malone, in consultation with campus ministers, camp directors and several other capable and enthusiastic pastors from across the state created the following ministry strategy for the funds: - To provide an Annual Mission Trip for Young Adults from across Upstate New York .
- To provide an Annual Gathering for Campus Ministers and outstanding student leaders in order for them to network, collaborate, develop their ministries and support one another. This event will be lead by a dynamic campus minister or expert in the field.
- To provide Annual (two point) Camp Retreats for Young Adults focused on the topic of vocational discernment and living out of God's call, and our baptismal charge, to let our light shine for others. These will be hosted at our two outdoor ministry campuses.
- Continued work by key-leaders to educate pastors and leaders about work and ministry with young adults, issues specific to the millennial generation, and to provide tools to speak about vocation and live out the call to raise up leaders for the church.
Want to be involved? Look for information about the upcoming events on the upstate update and direct questions toward the three Key Leaders. We're excited to use this grant to support our young leaders, so start thinking now about which young adults in your life would benefit from being directed toward these events! Submitted by Rev. Amber Malone. If you have questions or want to get involved please contact her at pastoramber@gmail.com or (518) 308 8279 | 10% Youth and Young Adult Goal In 2009, Churchwide Assembly passed a resolution stating that it is the goal of this church that at least 10% of the voting members of committees, boards and assemblies be youth and young adults. In 2011, about 13% of voting members at CWA were in this age group. How's your congregation doing? How's this synod doing? As we move into the season of annual meetings and electing voting members for conference and synod assemblies, please consider encouraging youth and young adults to participate in these wider-church venues. Childcare is provided at Synod Assembly for those with young children. CONVO and Y'ALL offer a deep, faith formative experience within the Synod Assembly framework. For more information or to share your thoughts, please contact Pastor Laurie Carson-Nelson, Synod LYO Advisor, at pastorlcn@gmail.com. | Tidbits - Bishop Jerge will be visiting each of the Conferences. The upcoming fall dates that have been set are:
- Central Crossroads:
- Oct. 5
- Morning: Luther Memorial with rostered leaders
- Niagara Frontier:
- Oct. 19
- Lunch at First English, Lockport
- Evening at St. John's, Amherst
- Oct. 20
- Morning with rostered leaders at First English, Lockport
- Oct. 29
- Evening at First, Blasdell
- Southwestern:
- Nov. 8
- Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center
- FEMA has the included the tornado into the Hurricane Irene assistance. Those with damage from the tornado, caused by the storm, are eligible to apply for FEMA Individual Assistance. Apply on line at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Deadline to apply is Nov. 4.
- The Upstate New York Synod will offer a workshop to train people in telling the story of how we are living our mission to be resurrection people who pray first, walk together and change lives. The workshop will be held on Saturday, October, 15 at Christ the King, Vestal, 9:30 - 2:30. There is no charge to attend. Lunch and resources will be provided free of charge. Whether you are an experienced Mission Interpreter or are new to this ministry, plan to attend. To learn more contact Denise Ballou, Synod Coordinator, 315-652-8956, nene57622@hotmail.com and download the brochure here.
- New educational opportunities are available, including a new training from Roy M. Oswald and the Center for EQ-HR Skills and a webinar from the Board of Pensions regarding benefits, in our Growing in Faith blog.
| | | Pray First  Please hold the following people, their families, friends and caregivers in prayer. Prayers of Thanksgiving For all those who participated in this year's Synod Ministerium and the leadership of Mr. Mark Betley and Rev. Greg Tennermann For Debora Stein on her ordination in the New England Synod on Sept.17th and her installation at St. Stephen, Syracuse coming up on Oct. 9th Rev. David Johnson was received onto the roster of the ELCA (from the Reformed Church in America) and was installed as Pastor of St. Paul's, St. Johnsville on Sept. 18 Prayers of Healing For Nancy Almleaf, wife of Rev. David Almleaf (Grace, Johnstown) A Prayer for those continuing recovery efforts from the recent storms and flooding Merciful God, hear our cry for your mercy in the wake of recent storms and resulting flooding. Reveal your presence in the midst of our suffering. Help us to trust in your promises of hope and life so that desperation and grief do not overtake us. Come quickly to our aid that we may know peace and joy again. Strengthen us in this time of trial with the assurance of hope that we know in the death and resurrection of your Son. Amen. | Trexler Deadline Samuel Trexler Fellowship Fund grants will be decided on at the October Synod Council meeting. Applications will be accepted through September 30, 2011. This fund was established "to enable Lutheran pastors and seminary students scholarships for specialized programs of study in the United States or abroad in any field pertaining to the life and thought of the church." You may download the pamplet with more information on this grant and an application here. Any questions, please contact Karen Brundige at the Synod office. | | Contact Information | Neal F. Fischer, Director of Communications, nfischer@upstatenysynod.org Phone: 315-446-2502 Fax: 315-446-4642 | The Upstate New York Synod Online | For the latest synod information be sure to visit our website, http://upstatenysynod.org. Also, follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/upstatenysynod, Facebook at http://facebook.com/upstatenysynod and YouTube at http://youtube.com/upstatenysynodelca. | | | The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction, Leader Pack This bundle includes everything required for those who lead The Greatest Story: Bible Introduction. The The Leader Guide features a Core Session plan (60 minutes) and an Our Story conversation plan (45-60 minutes) that can be run consecutively in a single meeting time, or broken into separate meeting times. Each session provides suggested background reading from Lutheran Study Bible, Bible overviews, and storytelling scripts. The Session DVD features the sand art depictions of the Bible story by renowned artist Joe Castillo. Each session video brings the story to life as the image continuously transforms from one element of the story to another. The Greatest Story Leader Reference CD-ROM supports participants as they experience the big-picture overview of the Bible. It features maps and timelines to encourage discussion and understanding of the times and places of the Bible while giving participants the opportunity to trace the journeys of Abraham, Sarah, and more! | | | |