Let me add accolades for the "group" leaders of the Sunday School. It is a amazing and gratifying that we have wonderful goals in mind to encourage the children and help each other build a Sunday School ---sometimes as we remember events from our childhoods and sometimes to embrace exciting ideas and changes.
This "leader group"::::::Kristen, Ellen, Tara, Beverly, Ann, Mckenna, Christa Lordi::::::plan together, learn and make changes as we go, substitute for each other, call on Heidi and Katrina when we need back-up or additional help.................and are so glad parents send their children for Sunday School instruction.
Beverly and Christa will be leading Sunday School in January. The February-June schedule will be discussed soon and forwarded for the blog site. The curriculum materials and companion Bibles have arrived from Augsburg Fortress Press and a training session for leaders will be held in January. Encouragement and ideas from the congregation are always welcome--messages in the offering plate would be great--------please add name and contact information.
In January Christ our Emmanuel's Sunday School will be available for children ages 3-14 every week, 9:45 A.M.
Posted for Christa