The Lutheran "Cluster Meeting" was held at Emanuel/St.John's in Hudson on May 18, 2009.
Six representatives were present. Pastor Slater, _______ Pultz, _______(Stuyvesant), Linda O'Reilly, Claus Marzahl, Christa Lordi
(sorry don't know all names)
Pastor Slater presented the major agenda item: "An Agreement For Sharing Ministry Among The Congregations of Northern Columbia County"
This paper included categories after a "Mission Statement": Cluster Committee, Shared Ministries, Finances
Discussion and suggestions ensued by the members present:
1.The cluster committee shall consist of two representatives from each church, one elected annually, a second appointed annually from among church Council members. The committee will meet 4 times a year, rotating meeting place at each church: February, May, August/September, November. The November meeting will be designated as time for budget and financial discussions.
The Harlemville Church is also a part of the Cluster, as well as St. Luke's, Emanual Stuv., Emanuel/St.J. Hudson, Emmanuel Chatham, Christ Ghent. The Harlemville Church is a recognized ULCA endorsed church, but a membership list is unavailable. Pastor Vogel officiates there once a month on a Sunday during the summer time.
2.To be added to "Shared Ministries" category: Youth Programs (grades 7-12); Strategies for Information Exchange among the churches. The Cluster Committee may consider undertaking the responsibility for presenting special programs of social importance from time to time such as:
"visitation training", "family and children crises training" --particularly suicide issues, "grieving assistance", "single parent household issues", as well as information of general interest or concern.
3. The finances to be considered annually in November will need to include a re-evaluation of the percentage each cluster church contributes for the shared ministry expenses, which include Secretary and Office Services, education, worship, fellowship and programming. The estimation of the current percentages have evolved with the participation of cluster members over the last couple of years, based on a broad formula of:
attendance in each church, income in each church, pastoral services, secretarial workload for each church.
The financial demands are variable, thus percentages will need annual reconsideration. Pastor Slater will make the revisions to the "Agreement" and send to each church.
****The date for the annual "Cluster Picnic", as held traditionally at Crellin Park in Chatham will be: August 16, 2009.*****
It has generally been a "bring-a-dish" to share event. Pastor Slater will contact Marcia Sarro at Emmanuel Lutheran Chatham for reservations at the park.
The Cluster committee will plan additionally via E-mail.
(The Closing ceremony of Christ Lutheran in Ghent may coincide with this gathering also.)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Blog Archive
- June 14 @ 1pm- Final Service at Christ Church
- "Evangelical" explanation by Pr. Bob via Christa
- Cluster Meeting Notes from Pastor Bob
- Pastor Bob says: "Wear Red on Pentecost Sunday - t...
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