Hi Patty - I posted the post for Dawn. I think only the owner of the blog can do that. Everyone else needs to comment. Not sure about this either! Dawn is still having trouble posting a comment. So am I! What's your secret?
If we ever get this blog thing going we could have a section for people to sell stuff. For instance, Bruce has a great truck for sale. I have a house for rent. Then people would be expected to donate a portion of the proceeds to church - all on the honor system. Thoughts?
See you tomorrow for coffee & brownies in the basement!
Blog Archive
- June 14 @ 1pm- Final Service at Christ Church
- "Evangelical" explanation by Pr. Bob via Christa
- Cluster Meeting Notes from Pastor Bob
- Pastor Bob says: "Wear Red on Pentecost Sunday - t...
- Thrivent - Contributed by Carol Bartel
- Norwegian Trip
- Sermon-Fifth Sunday in Easter
- Online Bible Discussion
- Worship in Times of Public Health Concerns
- How We Worship: Be a part of God's saving story
- Problems & Ideas