Monday, June 28, 2010

Oil Spill

June 28, 2010
ELCA Presiding Bishop Calls Oil Spill in Gulf 'Heartbreaking'

CHICAGO (ELCA) -- The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is "heartbreaking and infuriating," wrote the Rev. Mark S. Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Although the spill causes deep sorrow, all who care for the earth and work for its restoration can be confident that they are not pursuing a lost cause, he wrote in a June 28 pastoral letter to the 4.6 million-member ELCA.
"Moving to indignation and anger over the neglect and carelessness that led to this disaster, both in private industry and in government regulation, is understandable," wrote Hanson.
"However, to do so without recognizing the responsibility we all share -- as consumers of petroleum products, as investors in an economy that makes intensive and insistent energy demands, and as citizens responsible for the care of creation -- lacks credibility and integrity. An honest accounting of what happened (and what failed to happen) must include our own repentance," he wrote.
"The human family need not drown in a flood of suspicion and recrimination that is more toxic and more lasting than the oil that floods the gulf can ever be," wrote Hanson. "The cleansing waters of baptism in Christ … bring forgiveness and reconciliation with God."
Responding to a challenge of this size and complexity will call upon "countless insights and skills, embodied in hundreds of occupations and trades, and upon the collective strength and will of us all," Hanson wrote.
In his message Hanson suggested members use a series of resources for "worship, study and action."
"God who made the creation and made it good has not abandoned it," wrote Hanson. "The life-giving power of God's creative goodness remains at work, even in the Gulf of Mexico."
Posted for Pastor Bob

Friday, June 11, 2010

Synod Assembly 2010

Thanks to Pastor Serena for this photo of the bishop formally accepting Christ our Emmanuel as a new church.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Council Meeting-June 1, 2010

  • The annual church yard sale will be held July 8th, 9th, & 10th at the Stalkers.
    Wed. July 7th in the evening---pick up of items from the church and transported to the Stalkers yard----trucks and strong arms needed.

  • Marcia and Bruce will represent the church at the Annual Synod Assembly in Rochester.

  • What a beautiful job Bruce and Alex have painted the church doors for a sparkling red welcome.

  • The coffee hour at the back of the sanctuary after service has been successful with thanks for the extra efforts by committee members.

  • Total job estimate for the lift is $25,000.00-$30,000.00. Donations welcome!

  • The list for addresses, telephone and emails is available in the sanctuary for the directory information of members and friends. Doug has provided a list on the bulletin board of those who have had their picture taken for the picture directory.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Betty in Red

Friends for 70 years!

Mission Statement

Our Church Has Been Called TO GO FORWARD with a spirit of HOPE, AND LOVE AND FAITH in GOD'S GRACE TO SEEK and SERVE the ever changing needs of our community.

Blessing our new church

From left to right: Pastor David Preisinger, Pastor Roger Beiswenger, Pastor Robert Isaksen, Bishop Marie Jerge, Pastor Peter Klotz, Pastor John Califano, Pastor James Slater.