Monday, January 31, 2011


by Garrison Keillor

I have made fun of Lutherans for years - who wouldn't, if you lived in
Minnesota ? But I have also sung with Lutherans, and that is one of the main
joys of life, along with hot baths and fresh sweet corn.

We make fun of Lutherans for their blandness, their excessive calm, their
fear of giving offense, their lack of speed and also for their secret
fondness for macaroni and cheese. But nobody sings like they do.

If you ask an audience in New York City, a relatively Lutheranless place, to
sing along on the chorus of 'Michael Row the Boat Ashore', they will look
daggers at you as if you had asked them to strip to their underwear. But if
you do this among Lutherans, they'll smile and row that boat ashore and up on
the beach! And down the road!

Lutherans are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony. It's a
talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor
or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head
against that person's rib cage. It's natural for Lutherans to sing in
harmony. We're too modest to be soloists, too worldly to sing in unison. When
you're singing in the key of C and you slide into the A7th and D7th chords,
all two hundred of you, it's an emotionally fulfilling moment.

I once sang the bass line of Children of the Heavenly Father in a room with
about three thousand Lutherans in it; and when we finished, we all had
tears in our eyes, partly from the promise that God will not forsake us,
partly from the proximity of all those lovely voices. By our joining in
harmony, we somehow promise that we will not forsake each other.

I do believe this: These Lutherans are the sort of people you could call up
when you're in deep distress. If you're dying, they'll comfort you. If
you're lonely, they'll talk to you. And if you're hungry, they'll give you
tuna salad!

Provided by Pastor Bob

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Annual Meeting

Some new council members were voted in, annual reports from pastor and the committees were reviewed and accepted. Our many accomplishments were applauded.

Remember to give regularly to Christ our Emmanuel Church whether you attend the service or not. We are going to try to add a weekly organist which will add to the church's expenses but hopefully bring in more people and enhance the service for everyone. A steady choir - wouldn't that be nice?!

If you would like to make a donation to the extra cost of live music, or to the printing of the picture directory, or to help replenish the improvement fund, which was used for the many capital projects in 2010, feel free to mail something in to 19 Park Row, Chatham NY 12037 ATT: Treasurer. If you are putting money in the basket, mark your donation and we will make sure it will be applied as you wish.

Stay warmmmmmm, everybody!!!

Thanks to Richard and his helpers the walkways were all clear. We appreciate it, fellas!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No side door this Sunday

Richard is working hard at clearing the pathways but unfortunately it looks like the only entrance to the church will be the front door. The lift will also be available.

For this Sunday, as of now, it looks like the path from the parking lot to the side entrance and the path from the street to the side entrance will not be passable.

Richard, thank you for your hard work. This ice is somethin' else!

Former Bishop

The Rev. Dr. Lee Miller, who served as Bishop of the Upstate New York Synod
from 1992-2002, has been hospitalized twice in the last month. He is now
returning home in the care of hospice. We invite you to pray for him, his wife
Joan, and all his family. Cards and notes are encouraged so that they may enjoy
them as time and energy permits. They may be sent to 6423 Scotland Rd., East
Syracuse, NY 13057. Dr. Miller is a member of St. Stephen's, Syracuse so Pastor
Jim Jerge is his designated pastor. We will provide updates as we are able. As
always, we put our trust in our Lord, knowing that Dr. Miller is resting in the
hands of a loving and gracious Saviour.

Grace and peace,
Marie C. Jerge, Bishop

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Council Minutes - Jan 11 2011

Annual Meeting
Come vote!
January 23, 2011 - We will vote on:
  • Three candidates for council vacancies
  • Worshipping upstairs/downstairs
  • Hiring an organist regularly to the tune of $100 a pop
  • Other stuff
The meeting will follow an abbreviated worship service and should be over by noon.

Pastor's Vacation
(left over from 2010)
  • He will be in Brooklyn for the month of February
  • Only one service (on February 27) will offer communion
  • Richard will lead the other services

A banner to display at the church tag sale is being looked into. Know of anyone who might be willing to donate?

$200/year will be donated to local charities. I think this is what the council notes said. Correct me if I am wrong.
Our Food Pantries are in desperate need. Please remember to bring in a contribution when you come to church.

The office next door to the church is still available. The advertising was expensive and did not produce any results, so spread the word.

Have a good week, everyone!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Looks at the Lift

Winnie B christened the lift for us on Christmas Eve rising to the service in her wheelchair. What a great sight! Sorry there is no photo of that but here's Hank after his knee surgery and a closer look at what makes the lift tick.

Photos by Doug.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blankets & Dogs

It looks like we are going to continue to meet upstairs this winter.
Since it may be a bit chilly, remember to dress warmly. According to Marcia, Christa says that in "the old days" worshippers used to bring blankets and dogs to keep warm. Woof! Woof!