Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Confirmation Class

TO: All present and prospective Confirmation Class students and parents

            Confirmation Class is a two-year program of instruction, usually for 7th and 8th graders, on the fundamentals of Christian doctrine.  This year we will study the Lord's Prayer in the Fall semester and the Apostles Creed in the Spring semester.  The next year will cover the Sacraments and the Ten Commandments.  The class prepares a student for the rite of Affirmation of Baptism, the joining of a congregation as an adult member.  The class consists of instruction sessions and church participation.  The program is conducted cooperatively with the congregations of the Northern Columbia County Cluster, including St. Luke's in Valatie, Emanuel in Stuyvesant Falls, Christ Our Emmanuel in Chatham, and Emanuel/St. John's in Hudson.

            Our instruction sessions are held on Sunday evenings from 6:00 to 7:30pm.  All classes will be held at St. Luke's Lutheran Church on Route 9 in Valatie.
            The tentative schedule of sessions (always subject to change!):
September 13, 2009
September 27
October 18
November 1
November 8
November 15
November 22
December 6
December 13

            Students will be excused only one session per semester.  Please speak with me if this is a problem for anybody.
            Session times consist of devotions, instruction by Pastor Jim, and small group discussions.  Teen and adult mentors will help with the leadership of the small groups.

            Church participation is gauged by a point system.  Students receive 2 points for attending worship, 1 point for some form of church service, and 5 points for occasional special activities.  Church service will include ringing the bell, lighting the candles and carrying the cross (acolyte), Junior Usher and Junior Altar Guild for all students.  Other activities such as Reader, Greeter, Choir, Nursery and Sunday School assistant may be chosen also.  A minimum of 40 points (attending worship every other week) must be attained during the class year for passing for all Valatie and Stuyvesant Falls students.

            Our first class for new first year students and returning second year students will be on Sunday, September 13th, at 6:00pm. at St. Luke's.  Class will include a review of expectations (listed above), training the students for church service, and collecting contact information.

            I look forward to seeing you all at worship and in class.  If you have any questions, just let me know.

Alive in Christ,
Pastor Jim