Sunday, March 14, 2010

Council Meeting, March 9, 2010

CHURCH - March 9, 2010

In attendance: Marcia, Patty , Kristen, Pastor Robert Isaksen, Gary, Christa, Linda O.
Absent: Mac, Ken W.

Two guest craftsmen for the restoration of the Resurrection Window from Christ church made a presentation of the progress. Chuck W of East Chatham (929-3993) [studio in Great Barrington off Monument Valley Road on Stoneybrook Rd.: 413-528-6287] and contractor Erin G explained the stages beginning with the initial bench rubbing to establish a map for reassembly, continuing with removal of the glass pieces for cleaning, scraping of the metal and casting for new metal frames for each piece of glass. The window is of opalescent glass with interior face plates for the face and hands of the angel, in the style of LaFarge/Tiffany, perhaps from the Baird Glass Studio of Boston. There is a similar window in Malone. Various pieces and the bench tools for the reassembly were depicted on a computer video. It is estimated that the window will be ready for installation over two days from the 10th to the 20th of April, 2010. The remaining cost is $14,107.50.

Chuck estimated the replacement value of the current circular window in the sanctuary at $2500.-$3000.; with an additional amount for framing for an estimate of $4500.00. This is no indicator of actual resale value, but does provide information for consideration in selling or donating the circular window. The contractor will crate the window upon removal for storage until a decision is made. Erin mentioned "King Richard" for the marketing of the circular window.

Doug attended the meeting with wonderful first proofs of head shots in various styles from his photographic studio. He has started collecting church member pictures for a directory, and will be available in the parsonage over the next couple of Sundays for parishioners to have their pictures taken.
Doug's Web-page:

The minutes of the council meeting of February 9th were reviewed with some comments and updates:

----estimates on a replacement furnace are deferred
----two additional furnaces in the parsonage are yet to be cleaned and serviced

----the new church sign is installed; Marcia retrieved the box of letters and explained procedure for lettering on the sign; A sign keeper committee may need to be

----the completed, amended Constitution has been submitted to the Upstate New York Synod; a "Synod" identification number should be forthcoming

----the annually requested ELCA report of membership, finances, programs, and ceremonies is past February deadline but in progress, Patty is collecting information and making completions

----the long-awaited pastoral letter is still in the hands of the cluster secretary; Marcia will inquire into the delay

----the color of the carpeting for the Sanctuary has been chosen by consensus and will be installed after the installation of the restored window

----a single checking account is pending

---- Pastor updated the health news of Carol and Hank; he is able to drive again and surgery for her heart valve replacement was accomplished this week; the church has sent a card and will offer assistance as needed

The minutes were accepted as discussed.

Patty Bervy distributed the "Treasurer's Report" for February=======

Pastor and Linda O discussed educational materials available from Two levels--pre-readers and early-readers--would suit CoE needs. Linda distributed ideas from the "Kids Celebrate Worship" series.

A new rocking chair for the children's corner from the Mennonite furniture store, given in memory of Nancy Alger by the Alger and Brennen families will need a special dedication. Pastor distributed a list from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book for Blessing for Worship Furnishings. Heidi indicated at church service that she would inquire about a plaque to be attached to the chair. A dedication during a church service will be planned with a request of Doug for a picture and possible newspaper article.

Pastor suggested an organist be hired for Easter Sunday and the CoE celebration and installation of congregation and pastor on April 25th. at 2:00 in the afternoon. Past payment has been $100. per service. Andrew and Gretchen were suggested. Marcia will follow up.

The addition of a piano or keyboard would be of assistance to the worship and music committee, especially in the basement services. Pastor has ordered an easy choir book and a simplified key board book, as well as musical CDs from the Hartford Seminary sale to enhance worship services. A donation request for a keyboard could be announced, before further discussion and inquiry into a purchase.

The following committees from the sign-up sheets are now functioning: (chairperson listed first)

ALTAR COMMITTEE: Marcia, Jeanette, Donna, Liz
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Linda O, Tara, Richard, Ginny
CLUSTER COMMITTEE: Christa, Patty, Marcia, Mac
COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: Marcia, Dawn, Richard, Bob, Kristen
DIGITAL ORGAN: Marcia, Kristen
FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE: Patty, Malcolm, Doris, Jeannette, Gary, Anne, Beverly, Kristen
FINANCE COMMITTEE: Patty, Carole, Linda
MUSIC & WORSHIP COMMITTEE: Richard, Pastor, Kristen
PROPERTY COMMITTEE: Mac, Bruce, Gary, Alex
SOCIAL MINISTRY (Visitations): Marcia, Richard, Doris, Dawn

A "Mission Statement" sign for the bulletin board will be prepared by Christa. It will be the touchstone for discussion of long-term planning for the church year activities, tentatively scheduled for consideration after the celebration ceremony.

The April 25th celebration service of Christ our Emmanuel Charter members and friends is to be planned at the next council meeting:
---special invitations, including former pastors
---installation of pastor service
---installation of charter members (all members of the current
congregation), children, and new members service
---pictures, announcements
---preparation of sanctuary and basement---clean up after
installation of window and carpeting
---finger foods, drinks, and dessert decisions

The next Congregation Council Meeting will be on: TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 2010 7:00 PM