Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sunday School is Energized!

Sunday School this year will be provided for two ages of children: pre-reader and reader.

The first day?

Sunday, October 2, 2011 Christ our Emmanuel's Rally Day.

The focus?

  • provide insight into the BIBLE
  • make the classes fun and interesting
  • listen and let the children's needs guide curriculum decisions

Don't forget!!


TIME: 9:45-10:30 (on "Rally Day" there will be about a 15 minute over-run until 10:45-10:50)


The Kick-off?

  • a craft-project noise-maker to begin the first day as a rally.
  • The children will gather downstairs to complete the "corn shaker" (all hands helping if possible--it needs to be completed by about 10:15 ), then come upstairs after Pastor has opened the service to parade-in and be introduced with all of us to the congregation.
The Schedule?

Sunday School leaders: October 2011 through January 2012::

(No Sunday School on weeks when the public schools have a closing:Oct. 9th, Nov. 13th, Nov. 27th, Dec. 25th, Jan. 1st, Jan. 15th)

October: Tara Groom with Mckenna Jackson (back-up: Heidi Brennan)

November: Ellen Dykeman with Ann Jackson (back-up: Katrina)

December: Kristen Bervy (preparations for Christmas pageant) (back-up: Christa)

January: Christa Lordi with Ellen Dykeman (back-up: Beverly)


9:30 AM Leader arrive at church and prepare SS room

9:45 Children arrive

9:50 Opening prayer, song, news

(Kristen to lead as often as she is available)

10:05 Two groups: pre-readers and readers

lesson sheets/story book/ pictures etc. with Bible reference

as prepared by leaders

10:30 Children close w/ prayer & return upstairs to parents for communion

Leaders will review and get feed-back from the children on the last Sunday each month for continuing suggestions for the next leaders. A short assessment meeting will be held directly after the regular church service for all leaders on that last Sunday of each month.

EVERYONE---let me know suggestions, pitfalls--anything constructive

Posted for Christa