Sunday, November 27, 2011

A busy December

Hey! Before I start: Have you seen the new handicapped bathroom in the basement with the sliding door? Awesome! New floor - new toilet - plenty of room. Thanks Guys! & Gal! Linda & Gary started it all off! Mac, Bruce, Hank, Fred & Bob finished it off!! Beautiful job on the woodwork at the lift entrance. We're ready now for the Christmas hoards - bring 'em on. Your tired, your crippled, your poor (too much?) Let me know - I'll take that last part out.

Oh - one more thanks ('tis the season after all): thanks to Herrington's for donating paint to our projects.

OK - so here we go:
  1. Don't forget to buy Christmas flowers for $8 by signing up in the back of the church or letting Marcia know.

  2. Not to harp on this but . . . my treasurer days are numbered. I will finish up the 2011 books but we REALLY need someone to take over as of January 1. Give me a call if you would like to talk it over.

  3. Please see the EVENTS tab at the top of the home page for a list of our Christmas Season Activities. ¡Feliz Navidad!

  4. The choir is just getting warmed up. Cate has chosen a lovely simple tune for Christmas night. Won't you join us after church next week to boost our voices to the heavens? Or at least to the North Pole . . .