Monday, December 5, 2011

A busy December

Don't forget to check out the Events page to see what's going on on Park Row this Christmas Season. Newly added is the POTLUCK to follow the pageant on Sunday Dec. 18.

Please bring your cameras and video cameras to church. The Sunday School is doing such a beautiful job of bringing the joy of the season to the services. E-mail your images (and videos) to me and I will post them.

Thanks so much to Christa and all the people who work with her for reviving the children's sector of our congregation.

One last thing: If you are not receiving notifications about updates to the website, please give Pastor, Beverly or me (Deb U.) your e-mail address and you will be added to our growing (Yay!) list.

Happy Advent! (It's clickable. You may need to hold down CTRL key and then click.)